End of the Week Analysis – 27 Mar 2023

Week Insights for 03-27
Week Comparison Insights & Validation for 03-27
- 15% increase in Overall Production Hours compared to WB 03-20
- 25% increase in Billable Hours
- 6.96% decrease in Overhead Hours

- This week’s production hours by Service
- A 29 hour increase in VA services was seen last week compared to the previous week
Weekly Comparison (Last 3 Weeks)

- The above Graphs show week on week comparison for the past 3 weeks
- A 15% increase in Overall production hours can be seen last week compared to the previous week.
- We can see an increase in Client billable hours by 25% and a decrease in Overhead hours by 6.96% as well
13 Week Comparison (2022 vs 2023)

- The above Graphs show a production hours comparison for the first 13 weeks of the year, 2022 vs 2023
- We have a 23% increase in Overall production hours compared to last year
- With a 49.44% increase in Client Billable and a 17.79% decrease in the Overhead production hours
WoW Production Hours Comparison by Projects

WoW Production Hours Comparison by Remotualites

02 Monthly Analysis
Monthly Comparison

- Pic 1 shows the trend of Monthly production hours
- Pic 2 shows Monthly Production hours segregated based on Client Billable and Overhead Hours
We’ve completed 122.4% (2497 hrs) of our monthly Production Hours goal of 2040 hrs for March. An awesome growth curve shaping up!!!
MoM Production Hours Comparison by Projects

MoM Production Hours Comparison by Remotualites

03 Yearly Analysis
Trends and Comparison of Overall Production Hours for 2020-23

- The Red line represents the production hours for 2023. We cut down on our Overhead hours significantly during Feb 2023 and going by the trend, we should have more Client Billable hours going forward.
Bar Chart for Yearly Comparison of Production Hours for 2020-23