End of the Week Analysis – 26 Dec 2022
Week Insights for 12-26th
Week Comparison Insights & Validation for 12-26
- 22.03% decrease in Overall Production Hours compared to WB 12-19
- 14.8% decrease in Billable Hours
- 36.67% decrease in Overhead Hours
Month Comparison Insights & Validation for Dec
- 12.53% decrease in Overall Production Hours compared to Nov 2022
- 13.61% decrease in Billable Hours
- 9.5% decrease in Overhead Hours
Weekly Comparison

- The above Graphs show the weekly comparison for December month
- We have an increasing trend for overall production hours until the 3rd week, while due to the holiday season, our overall production for last week decreased
- Also, we increased overhead hours on the 2nd of last week
Weekly Comparison by Project

Weekly Comparison by Remotualites

02 Monthly Analysis
Monthly Comparison

- Pic 1 shows the trend of Monthly production hours
- Pic 2 shows Monthly Production hours segregated based on Client Billable and Overhead Hours
We covered 88.58% (1807 hrs) of our monthly Production Hours target of 2040 hours. [Lag by 233 hours]
Monthly Comparison by Remotualites (Nov vs Dec)

03 Yearly Analysis
Trends and Comparison of Overall production hours for 2020, 2021, 2022

- We have significantly increased production hours compared to last year
- The trend during Oct – Jan seems to have a decreasing pattern for both consecutive years and is understandably affected by the holiday/end of the year season
Bar chart for yearly comparison of production hours for 2020, 2021,2022

- Aug and Sept seem to be the only months where our production hours in 2022 are less than in 2021.
- The growth rate of Feb, March, and December almost doubled as compared to last year.
Yearly Comparison

- Pic 1 shows YoY production hours for December month
- Pic 2 shows December 2020, 2021, and 2022 Production hours segregated based on Client Billable and Overhead Hours
- Pic 3 shows our production hours based on Services we offer at Remotual
Our EA services have – a more than 200% increase in production hours, Recruiting has – a 3% increase, and involvement of Data, Data Science, and Design Services.

2022 Production Hours by Projects
- For 2022 we had almost 2720 hours for Overhead-Remotual.
- Following Massey and martin (2685), Pretty Commit-Emily (1555), and People3 (861)

YoY Comparison for December by Remotualites