End of Month Report – April 2022

End of Month Report - April 2022

We missed the End of Month/Q1 - March report. So this month's report is essentially a Year to Date report.

First a shoutout to Jacqueline Meneses for stepping in big time and for all the wonderful kudos we've received from clients. So well done Jaq!

Some Numbers for Perspective

  • 2021 vs 2022 Quarter on Quarter – we grew 66% in Gross revenue ($40K vs $66K)
  • This year so far we’ve made $13K, $22K, $30K, $10* (* final numbers are pending) in gross revenues – Point is we are growing about 40%in gross revenues.
  • Last year as a company we clocked 17,600 production hours and so far this year we are at 7,000 hours. We are already 40% there.


    Takeaway based on these numbers:

  • We are winning clients but we need clients who stick around for a long time.
  • We are growing but growth has been slow
  • What is growth if we are all not 100% utilized? Some of our team members don’t work fulltime yet and that is our focus for the next 3 months.


“What gets measured, gets improved” To achieve our 2022 goals we set out the following key areas for improvement. Each month, we’ve been tracking our progress against this: How are we doing?

Modular Thinking – 15%

THE GOOD: — (We’ve added a few more modules, but not enough.


  • we’ve built ONE module – the [REDACTED] dashboard. I expected to see several more.
  • We expect Mo Majdali and all project managers to make this their OKR. Talo, Harrison, Kristina, Castillo I expect you guys to build and share modules every week. We’ll be tracking this in a Leaderboard. dashboard.
Just to remind everybody, what is a module?
  • Anything repetitive or has a defined number of steps (Ex: Client on-boarding, new hire on-boarding, scope of work, NDA, sharing LinkedIn access, payroll, end of week reports, utilization tracking etc) is a module.
  • If you can create a process or able to delegate a task – that’s a module.
  • If a task takes 7 steps and you reduce 2 steps by building a process – that’s a module.

    Be Technology First – 0% Negative Territory (No Change Here)

  • We continue to lag behind on the tech side. We’ve duct-taped our way to this point but we we wont make it to where we want to be without a website.
  • Focus for Remotual is to be a product based company vs service based company – We’ve started the process to build our very first product – Remotual Connect. We’ve initiated, we are working our way through a blocker. Slow going but I am glad we started.

Organized – 60%

  • I have not seen process improvement but I know there are some in the works. So till I see them…no change here.
  • I hope we are making decisions using systems, using dashboards.
  • We need to be more proactive.
  • We are not making the most of it because we don’t have modules.

Leverage – 75%

  • I experience the more progress made here. Personally, I’ve now been able to focus on company level and not project level.
  • Mo, Talo, how are you guys getting leverage? How can you delegate more and help focus on company building?

Consistent Pipeline of Work – 70%

  • First half April was stellar. We were getting so many responses to our proposals.
  • We continue to do a fair job of keeping a steady pipeline of jobs but not enough.
  • Upwork is our primary source – couple things.
  • We need to squeeze more juice out of this lemon. We are not doing enough
  • We are too reliant on one source and we have to expand. The lowest hanging fruits are
    • “Referrals” from past and existing clients
    • LinkedIn outreach
    • Email Campaign
    • Inbound Marketing

Company Building – 75%

  • Friday Happy hours are becoming consistent.
  • Waiting for the website to be done so we can start inviting guests to our TownHalls.

As always, please ask questions, let me see the entrepreneur in you. Help me help you!

Onwards and upwards!

Thanks for the hard work. But much work lies ahead.

Do what you do best. Let us handle the rest!
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