A Comprehensive Guide to Setting OKRs for Your Virtual Assistant
Virtual Assistants frequently face the challenge of managing a diverse range of tasks without a clear prioritization framework, leading to decreased productivity […]
6 Ways to Improve Your Working Relationship with an Executive Assistant
When you’re swamped with tasks, it’s easy to imagine that your executive assistant’s workload is just as packed. In the hustle and […]
How To Become a Virtual Assistant
In the vast ocean of the digital world, virtual assistants (VAs) have emerged as indispensable navigators, guiding businesses and entrepreneurs through the […]
What is a Virtual Assistant and How to Become One in 2023
In the Internet age, businesses are moving online, and Virtual Assistants (VAs) have become increasingly important. They offer a blend of efficiency […]
End of the Week Analysis – 03 Apr 2023
Week Comparison Insights and Validation for 04-03 16.5% decrease in Overall Production Hours compared to WB 03-27 26.21 % decrease in Billable Hours 11.64% increase in Overhead Hours
End of the Week Analysis – 27 Mar 2023
Week Comparison Insights and Validation for 03-27 15 % increase in Overall Production Hours compared to WB 03-20 25 % increase in Billable Hours 6.96% decrease in Overhead Hours
End of the Week Analysis – 20 Mar 2023
Week Comparison Insights and Validation for 03-20 11.84% decrease in Overall Production Hours compared to WB 3-13 19.82% decrease in Billable Hours 12.86% increase in Overhead Hours
End of the Week Analysis – 13 Mar 2023
Week Comparison Insights and Validation for 03-13 8.5% increase in Overall Production Hours compared to WB 03-06 28.7% increase in Billable Hours 27% decrease in Overhead Hours
End of the Week Analysis – 06 Mar 2023
Week Comparison Insights and Validation for 03-06 1.3% decrease in Overall Production Hours compared to WB 02-27 14.25% decrease in Billable Hours 34.27% increase in Overhead Hours